According to one source, "Christina went through hell and back growing up. For years she struggled with her self-esteem, so she knows how hard it is for young girls. [She hopes] to learn how she can help them get better without having to go through all the pain she did as a child."
The item states that Christina has "registered for online classes." Not exactly the road to a Ph.D., but there might be some level of certification she can obtain online. We're very curious indeed.
We both know that many, many individuals who work in the eating disorders treatment, prevention, and advocacy fields have personal experience with eating disorders. Our past suffering led us to this work, and helping others has allowed us to find purpose and meaning in the years of our lives that we once believed were wasted on our obsessions with food and weight. If Christina has truly gotten herself to a healthy place where she feels like she's ready to to reach out to those who need some hope and understanding, we say kudos. [Courier Mail]
That's really neat. Christina's a cool woman, and I think she would be good for this kinda thing.
We need more Hollywood people showing young girls that they don't have to be emaciated to be gorgeous, liked, and talented (well, Hollywood types in addition to real-life people like parents!)
can't wait for the announcement! do tell!
Another 'educated' celebrity trying to make a difference.
I hope 'Black Snake Moan' didn't push her out of acting? That was really oddball that movie.
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